Public Documents
EPA information: EPA has been periodically involved in the Camp Bonneville cleanup. Since 2006, citizens have raised significant issues about the cleanup. These public documents reflect these ongoing concerns summarized in a 2009 petition to EPA. Also included is EPA’s correspondence with Ecology.
2003 EPA Withdrawal 2012 EPA Report 2006 Petition Effort 2006 EPA Letter 2009 Letter of Concern
2009 Petition to EPA 2009 Groundwater Contamination 2009 Groundwater RAU 2c
2006 Letter from EPA to Ecology 2012 Spread of Contamination
2013 EPA Letter 2013 Ecology reply to EPA
2004 Ecology/Rogowski Standards
EPA Standards 1 EPA Standards 2 EPA Standards 3
EPA Standards 4 EPA Standards 5 EPA Standards 6
2018 Ecology notes on Changing Western Slopes